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MASK POLICY and COLD/FLU SEASON: Masks remain optional however, if you feel sick or develop any new symptoms *(cough, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, etc.) * on the days leading up to your appointment, please cancel your appointment until you are no longer experiencing symptoms.
Patients with BERKSHIRE FALLON HEALTH COLLABORATIVE MEMBERS: This practice is considered out-of-network. In order for you to be treated in this practice, please review the required steps listed below and call the office if you have questions.
1) To be seen, a referral from your Primary Care Physician is REQUIRED and must be sent to your insurance company directly from your PCP.
2) Please have your PCP’s office fax a referral to Berkshire Fallon Health Collaborative FAX #: (508) 368-9700.
3) Your insurance needs the referral in order to approve OR deny your out-of-network coverage for acupuncture.
4) Once the office receives an approval letter from your insurance company, we will contact you to schedule an appointment.
**Please note, this process can take up to 14 days for your insurance to approve or deny out-of-network coverage. **
MEDICARE: does NOT cover your treatments in this practice. Click the link for more information: MEDICARE POLICIES and ACUPUNCTURE COVERAGE
Welcome to our online booking site
Chinese Medicine is one of the oldest forms of medicine and is continually practiced today. The medicine has been used for over 5,000 years with the earliest written records found on oracle bones and first published in The Yellow Emperor’s Book of Internal Medicine, otherwise known as, the Nei Jing. Therapies such as acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Tai Chi, and shiatsu (tuina) massage, are all based on Chinese Medicine. The approach encompasses a mind-body outlook focusing on the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual influences that may impact an individuals’ health.
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